I'm lying it's actually way older than this date. It contains spam noise.
1 A random guy on the internet
1 same guy actually
1 posh
1 Frank Ellermann, probably
1 https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc220980.aspx
1 JerryVaf
1 RobertmirEe
1 https://twitter.com/_the_RedBaron_/status/790207561798709248
1 https://twitter.com/ieure/status/816342421004947456
1 https://twitter.com/stevelosh/status/816343745775943680
1 https://twitter.com/iamfender/status/915928850059726849
1 https://twitter.com/__edorian/status/917390362699878400
1 Specterops
1 @Hexacorn
1 samsung
1 dtmf
1 BrianPsymn
1 mattifestation
1 DissectMalware
1 sortie
1 Carin Haywood
1 Stuart Wells
1 https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc226820.aspx
1 @AnnieTheObscure
1 @wctf_us
1 https://gist.github.com/NickJosevski/3964492
1 wtcf_us
1 whitequark
1 intel
1 https://objective-see.com/blog/blog_0x38.html
1 казино онлайн
1 Elaine Mohr
2 harmj0y
2 https://objective-see.com/blog/blog_0x12.html
3 c.ps1v001 Microsoft Windows 10 Pro v10.0.16299.0 2018-04-29
4 c.ps1v001 Microsoft Windows 10 Pro v10.0.16299.0 2018-02-03
6 firefox-ios
6 gimp
7 autopush - dce-sec-acl-manager
8 author
9 c.ps1v001 Microsoft Windows 10 Professionnel v6.2.9200.0 2018-05-14
10 MS OLE GUID push
10 uuid.d push
10 minecraft
11 autopush - ves-sony-w64
13 autopush - sony_smartband
13 autopush - android_effects
13 c.ps1v001 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard v6.2.9200.0 2018-07-03
13 autopush - dsdt.dsl.1
13 c.ps1v001 Microsoft Windows 10 Pro v10.0.16299.0 2018-10-27
15 autopush - mstrust
15 autopush - denish-1965
16 php-7.2.8
16 autopush - westjonesroad-1
17 autopush - psetid
17 c.ps1v001 Microsoft Windows 10 Professionnel v10.0.16299.0 2018-04-30
17 autopush - windows-azure-permissions
18 c.ps1v001 Microsoft Windows 7 Professional v6.1.7601.65536 2018-04-10
19 c.ps1v001 Microsoft Windows 10 Pro v10.0.16299.0 2018-04-11
19 autopush - boot_bcd
19 autopush - dsdt.dsl.uuid
19 autopush - dsdt.unknown
20 autopush - flowerpower
21 autopush - reactos-acuuid
23 autopush - pset2
24 autopush - dcom
24 autopush - ms-dcom-assign
30 autopush - control_panel
34 autopush - efivar-guids
37 autopush - dsdt.alaska.ami.intl
38 inkscape-0.92.1
39 autopush - updateGroupGUIDs
42 autopush - gppref
42 autopush - dcomcnfg
42 autopush - ms-vds-assign
43 c.ps1v001 Microsoft Windows 10 Pro v10.0.16299.0 2018-11-26
48 autopush - rdp_h
51 c.ps1v001 Microsoft Windows 10 Pro v6.2.9200.0 2018-07-03
52 autopush - fdisk
53 bluez uuid.h push
53 stupid bt uuid push
53 autopush - nmap_nse_msrpc
56 autopush - folder_type_identifiers
60 RFC regex push
61 autopush - ms_audit
61 mimikatz
62 qemu
62 autopush - btresponses
70 autopush - mstscax
72 autopush - canonical_names
72 autopush - msgpp
73 c.ps1v001 Microsoft Windows 10 Pro v10.0.17134.0 2018-06-14
76 autopush - vc-redist
77 autopush - extended-rights-reference
78 autopush - bluetooth-logs
79 c.ps1v001 Microsoft Windows 7 Édition Familiale Premium v6.1.7601.65536 2018-03-25
82 autopush - bh-win-04-seki-up2
86 apple
100 autopush - apple-uid
103 wireshark
104 autopush - gpt-guid
105 autopush - bt
108 sans-dfir regripper
109 Bluetooth Gatt push
111 autopush - biosbits
112 c.ps1v001 Майкрософт Windows 10 Корпоративная v10.0.16299.0 2018-04-17
126 autopush - efivar-protocol-guids
136 Microsoft Windows Desktop Search (WDS) 2.6.5.
148 autopush - impacket-dcerpc-v5-epm-knownuuid
155 autopush - impacket-dcerpc-v5-epm
161 c.ps1v001 Microsoft Windows 7 Entreprise v6.1.7601.65536 2018-04-18
177 c.ps1v001 Microsoft Windows 7 Édition Familiale Premium v6.1.7601.65536 2018-07-09
181 MS Property Mappings (from WDS 2.x to 3.x)
200 autopush - linux-uuid
270 [MS-ADSC]-170915.pdf pdftotext
280 VirtualBox.xidl v70249 push
283 http://www.74k.org
334 Microsoft
348 linux
367 c.ps1v001 Microsoft Windows 8.1 v6.3.9600.0 2018-02-01
501 schema_nt4.txt microsoft search schema catalog config
512 automated push
556 Microsoft propkey.h
673 WMI classes push
681 autopush - reg-wine11
853 autopush - westjonesroad-2
881 freebsd head/security/vuxml/vuln.xml 484820 2018-11-12
1013 autopush - alltclsid.txt
1762 autopush - wine11
1809 autopush - Inventor_TLB.uuid
2125 autopush - EDK2_2015_GUIDs-2017-04-27.csv
2577 autopush - reactos
2989 MS specs regex push
3111 autopush - guidintnames.txt
3174 autopush - ielist
3303 c.ps1v001 Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate N v6.1.7601.65536 2018-01-27
4072 MS uuid.d push
4382 c.ps1v001 Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation v10.0.16299.0 2018-01-31
4531 autopush - wine
4888 autopush - wdk6
4944 autopush - reg-win98
5491 c.ps1v001 Microsoft Windows 10 Pro v10.0.16299.0 2018-01-27
7002 wine
11219 w10 clsid push
13680 reactos
15410 cia vault7 pushes
16214 website author
25520 winsdk
39487 autopush - reg-vista
40749 autopush - heh ;D
44477 autopush - dmde
671414 autopush - heh :D