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MSI:Acer Video Player version 1.00.2005.0 by Acer Incorporated

b6846f20-4821-11e3-8f96-0800200c9a66 2013-11-08 02:58:58⋮ 0· 0 MSI:Acer Video Player version 1.00.2005.0 by Acer Incorporated
Variantspecified in RFC 4122
Bytes╢äo H!␑πÅû␈␀ ␌Üf
Clock ID3990
Clock ID (hex)0xf96
Timestamp, RFC2013-11-08 02:58:58
Timestamp, MS2032-01-26 02:58:58
Timestamp, UNIX2401-01-25 02:58:58
Raw hex timestamp0x1e34821b6846f20
Raw timestamp136031723384500000
Sub-millisecond timestamp0
MAC Address0800200c9a66
is_local bitFalse
is_multicast bitFalse
MAC ManufacturerOracle
UUIDv1timestamp + clock_id + version (1) + node ID (MAC)
MAC Date1998-04-22, deepmac.org, 080020/24
Links :
UUID registration form :

Special secret field:
(that field is not saved in database, instantly dropped,
it's just between you, the totalitarian surveillance programs, and me.
Definitely a turing test.)