2024-01-02: Site is back on track, self-hosted on a rpi because you get the Internet you fund.
2025-02-06: Oh well, some power grid issues caused the rpi to reboot, I really should configure uwsgi to restart automatically --'

← back

MSI:Microsoft Office Publisher MUI (Finnish) 2007 version 12.0.4518.1021 by Microsoft Corporation

90120000-0019-040b-0000-0000000ff1ce MSI:Microsoft Office Publisher MUI (Finnish) 2007 version 12.0.4518.1021 by Microsoft Corporation
Variantreserved for NCS compatibility
Not an RFC4122 UUID actuallyThe version bits aren't corretly set.
Alternative encoding00001290-1900-0b04-0000-0000000ff1ce
Alternative encoding00001290-0b04-1900-0000-0000cef10f00
(would-be) MAC Address0000000ff1ce
(would-be) is_local bitFalse
(would-be) is_multicast bitFalse
(would-be) MAC Manufacturer00:00:00
(would-be) MAC Date2000-09-08, deepmac.org, 000000/24
Has the Microsoft Office suffix (000000FF1CE)True
Release version9
Release version infoRTM. This is the first version that is shipped (the initial release).
Release type0
Release type infoVolume license
Major version18
Minor version0
Product ID25
Product ID infoMicrosoft Publisher
Language identifier1035
Language identifier infofi-fi : Finnish / Finland
x86/x64 (is_64bit)False
Office Family ID1044942
Links :
UUID registration form :

Special secret field:
(that field is not saved in database, instantly dropped,
it's just between you, the totalitarian surveillance programs, and me.
Definitely a turing test.)