2024-01-02: Site is back on track, self-hosted on a rpi because you get the Internet you fund.
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MSI:Boris Continuum Complete 10 for Adobe CS5, CS6, CC version 10.0.2110 by Boris FX, Inc.

838e36d2-b6e6-4eb1-b2eb-2065dc7a8d7b MSI:Boris Continuum Complete 10 for Adobe CS5, CS6, CC version 10.0.2110 by Boris FX, Inc.
Variantspecified in RFC 4122
BytesâÄ6╥╢µN▒▓δ e▄zì{
UUIDv4version (4) + randomness
(would-be) MAC Address2065dc7a8d7b
(would-be) is_local bitFalse
(would-be) is_multicast bitFalse
(would-be) MAC ManufacturerNone
(would-be) MAC DateNone
Links :
UUID registration form :

Special secret field:
(that field is not saved in database, instantly dropped,
it's just between you, the totalitarian surveillance programs, and me.
Definitely a turing test.)