2024-01-02: Site is back on track, self-hosted on a rpi because you get the Internet you fund.
2025-02-06: Oh well, some power grid issues caused the rpi to reboot, I really should configure uwsgi to restart automatically --'

โ† back


7346b4a0-0111-1500-5c70-07040420860d 2724-07-01 07:47:44โ‹ฎ25088ยท 6200 notitle
Variantreserved for NCS compatibility
BytessFโ”ครกโโ‘โ•โ€\pโ‡โ„โ„ รฅโ
Clock ID7280
Clock ID (hex)0x1c70
Timestamp, RFC2724-07-01 07:47:44
Timestamp, MS2742-09-18 07:47:44
Timestamp, UNIX3111-09-18 07:47:44
Raw hex timestamp0x50001117346b4a0
Raw timestamp360289144649725088
Sub-millisecond timestamp25088
MAC Address07040420860d
is_local bitTrue
is_multicast bitTrue
MAC ManufacturerNone
UUIDv1timestamp + clock_id + version (1) + node ID (MAC)
MAC DateNone
Links :
UUID registration form :

Special secret field:
(that field is not saved in database, instantly dropped,
it's just between you, the totalitarian surveillance programs, and me.
Definitely a turing test.)

No comments for this UUID. Feel free to fill in the registration form if you know what this UUID is !
