2024-01-02: Site is back on track, self-hosted on a rpi because you get the Internet you fund. 2025-02-06: Oh well, some power grid issues caused the rpi to reboot, I really should configure uwsgi to restart automatically --'
Version | None |
Variant | reserved for NCS compatibility |
urn | urn:uuid:28b89eef-040a-2001-3fcf-02217db7093a |
Hexdump | 28b89eef040a20013fcf02217db7093a |
Bytes | (โโงโฉโโ โ?โงโ!}โโ: |
UUIDv2 | RFC4122 says : (OSF DCE) "DCE Security, with embedded POSIX UIDs" (???) |
Clock ID | 16335 |
Clock ID (hex) | 0x3fcf |
Timestamp, RFC | 1583-09-10 22:07:45 |
Timestamp, MS | 1601-11-27 22:07:45 |
Timestamp, UNIX | 1970-11-27 22:07:45 |
Raw hex timestamp | 0x1040a28b89eef |
Raw timestamp | 285916656082671 |
Sub-millisecond timestamp | 82671 |
MAC Address | 02217db7093a |
is_local bit | False |
is_multicast bit | True |
MAC Manufacturer | None |
seq_rgy_domain_t | 207 |
seq_rgy_domain > 2, invalid. | 207 |
"local-ID" (can be POSIX UID or GID) | 683187951 |
(would-be) MAC Address | 02217db7093a |
(would-be) is_local bit | False |
(would-be) is_multicast bit | True |
(would-be) MAC Manufacturer | None |
(would-be) MAC Date | None |
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